Day 332

The drive back was HORRID. We had a great time in Merrillville and got a great start out this AM. We stopped in Milwaukee to have lunch with Mary. Once we left… downhill. Traffic was so bad post-Milwaukee and anger just flowed. It took us about 7 hours for what would normally take 5.5. But atleast we got these happy shots with Mary at her new fav restaurant the Machine Shed. (Don’t ask.)

She thinks my tractor's sexy.

Machine Shed ... we sat in the top part to look out.

Waiting for us to come back

Photos taken with: iPhone 4

Day 330

Today was a good day in the Ville. We had another Thanksgiving in Morocco with the Knoenzer family. Great good, fun games. Then we had dinner with the Mesarch side at an Irish Pub. Note: The countdown clock to St. Pat’s in the same one from my Day One photo! I love the Irish Christmas tree. 🙂

Statue that Diohgé thought was a person

Sunset in Morocco

An Irish Christmas

Photos taken with: iPhone 4